November 1

Christ in you!

Colossians 1:27

Who is going to live in you?

Your enemy says:

“I promise not to make too much trouble for you if you will let me use your eyes, ears and mouth sometimes. I want to look with anger, lust and unforgiveness at people and I need a body to use for this.”

God says:

Do not offer the parts of your body to for evil. Do not use your bodies to do evil with, but offer yourselves to God. Be like people who have died and now live. Offer the parts of your body to God to be used for doing good. Romans 6:13

In the past you offered the parts of your body to be slaves to sin and evil. You lived only for evil. In the same way now you must give yourselves to be servants of God. Romans 6:19

Lord, I see that the devil wants to find someone's body to use for his evil thoughts. I will not let him use my body or my mind to do any evil!

I will not let him use my mind to think about the mistakes of the past so that he can be happy when he thinks about my mistakes.

Every time I get evil thoughts against myself or other people I say, “I will not help the devil to use me this way!” In Jesus name! Amen!