یوحنا 1

1. در ابتدا کلمه بود و کلمه نزد خدا بود وکلمه خدا بود

2. همان در ابتدا نزد خدا بود

3. همه‌چیز به واسطه او آفریده شد و به غیر از اوچیزی از موجودات وج

Matthew, Mark, and Luke start at a certain place to tell us about the life of Jesus. John starts in the beginning and the Jews who read this would think of the first page in their Bible. "In the beginning...” Genesis 1:1

The Jews respected God's name so much that they would not even repeat it. John wants to show us that Jesus is God. He shows respect for Jesus' name by slowly showing who He is and that Jesus has always been.

This shows us that Jesus was not created but that He is one of the persons of God. The Bible teaches us that God is three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the beginning God said, “Let us make man in our image." Genesis 1:26

There are some false teachers who change the Bible to say the Word was “a” God. The Greek language does not allow this. It is an idea that they use to say that Jesus was not God.