December 2

We know very well what
Satan’s plans are.

2 Corinthians 2:11

There are invisible enemies who watch us. They make a note of our weakness.

They see that we have something
against a brother.

They see that we want to someday have
some things like someone else
has for ourselves.

They see that we think we know
more than we really know.

They see how we look at
someone or something.

They slowly make suggestions to us about these things. They know that if they wait long enough we might listen to these thoughts.

“These are such small things in your heart. Nobody is perfect. Are you sure God has said not to think this way? There has to be
a way to get what you want and
still be a good Christian.”

Now that you see what they are doing, how will you stop this attack? You should take warning and fill yourself with God’s Words.

I will set no evil thing before my eyes!
Psalm 101:3

I will hide Your Word in my heart so that I will not do anything against You!
Psalm 119:11